Virtualization is a process that enables you to build a virtual version of a desktop, operating system, network resources, or server. This technique allows you to run multiple desktop operating systems and applications on the same hardware and software at the same time, as well as virtual emulation of goods or services on the same computer, without compromising the system’s efficiency.
Virtualization was first introduced in the 1960s to maximize hardware resources by constructing a virtual layer on top of a host or computer, with the introduction of cloud companies, virtualization became of great importance to those companies as it enabled them to deliver a diverse variety of services, operating systems, and other virtual machines while maximizing data centers.
In cloud computing, virtualization facilitates the development of virtual computers and guarantees the seamless operation of numerous operating systems. It also contributes to the formation of a virtual ecosystem for server operating systems and multiple storage devices.
Scalability, efficiency, and economic value are all advantages of cloud computing, while providing simplified workload management methods. Simply said, Cloud Computing in conjunction with Virtualization provides the contemporary organization with a more cost-effective solution to operate several operating systems on a single devoted resource.
Virtualization technology has five different types:
Applications Virtualization
This is accomplished via the use of a server, where this server contains all of the personal information and other characteristics necessary to utilize the applications. The server is available through the internet and operates on a local workstation. An end user may execute two separate versions of the same application using application virtualization.
Data Virtualization
This is a sort of virtualization in which data is obtained and collected from several sources and controlled from a single place. There is no technical understanding as to where such data is obtained, gathered, kept, or structured. The data is logically organized, and interested parties and stakeholders may then access the virtual view of such data. These reports can also be viewed remotely by end users.
Storage Virtualization
This sort of Virtualization offers virtual storage systems that ease storage management. It enables efficient storage management by allowing access to numerous sources from a single repository. Storage virtualization ensures smooth and constant performance.
Servers Virtualization
This kind of virtualization guarantees server masking. The primary or intended server is partitioned into several virtual servers. To help the masking procedure, such servers continually change their identifying numbers and processors. This means that each server may run its own operating system completely independently.
Desktops Virtualization
This is the form of virtualization that allows end-user operating systems to be remotely stored on a server or data center. It allows users to remotely access their PCs while sitting in any geographical place. They may also access their computers remotely by using separate devices.
With desktop virtualization, an end-user may operate on many operating systems based on their business requirements. If the person wants to operate on an operating system other than Windows, he may use desktop virtualization. This allows the user to work on two separate operating systems.
But what are the real benefits of virtualization?
Virtualization has various advantages, including cost savings and increased efficiency in the development process. It also eliminates the need for a very complicated IT infrastructure and enables remote access to resources while also promoting quicker scalability.
Having said that, virtualization is very adaptable, allowing users to run several desktop operating systems on a single conventional computer, eliminating the dangers associated with system breakdowns while also enhancing flexible data movement across multiple virtual servers.
The only drawback we can mention here about virtualization is really minor because the transfer from a current hardware arrangement to a virtualized system needs a significant time commitment, and this might be considered a time-consuming procedure.